Light electrical systems are often called by other names, ELV (EXTRA LOW VOLTAGE SYSTEM), Light electrical systems include: telephone systems, cameras, televisions… These systems have small value in the construction, but bring great benefits and convenience to users and project investors.
Light electrical systems usually account for 10-20% of the project value, but they determine the quality level of the work. Light electrical systems are essentially high-tech systems that are always improved and upgraded in technology for the purpose of making it more user-friendly.
One of such systems includes the following systems:
- DATA & TEL SYSTEM: to maintain the connection of the building with the outside
- CCTV SYSTEM: used in monitoring or security monitoring applications for constructions
- PA SYSTEM: Short for “PUBLIC ADRRESS SYSTEM”, is a public announcement sound system, to convey information, messages and notifications as well as emergency announcements in the constructions.
- ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM: this is the access management system in the building, to limit access and manage the doors as well as the elevators.
- BMS (Building Management System) or BAS (Building Automation System): is called a building management system, used in integrating systems in the building to manage and monitor the status in order to save energy. and automatic management.
- CAR PARKING SYSTEM: is a smart and automatic parking management system
DAMAS Co., Ltd. with a staff of many years of experience, will advise on the most optimal solutions and provide leading modern equipment in the market to satisfy customers.