The building is located at 61 Nguy Nhu Kon Tum, Thanh Xuan district, Hanoi. The location has convenient traffic to travel to the central area or neighboring districts through routes such as: Le Van Luong, Hoang Dao Thuy, Tran Duy Hung, Ring Road 3 – Thang Long Avenue or Pham Hung Street – Khuat Duy Tien …
Trung Hoa – Nhan Chinh is an area with many offices for lease in the West of Hanoi, the building inherits many advantages from the synchronous development of the area. At the same time, businesses with office addresses in this area also have many opportunities to interact with many customers from neighboring office areas.

Comatce Comatce Tower has a scale of 21 floors, including 6 floors of podiums for services and offices, two apartment blocks from the 7th to the 21st floor.
The project is built on a land with a total area of 6,931m2 with a construction density of about 40%.
The building has a vertical traffic system separating office and apartment blocks with three elevators for offices and four elevators for apartment blocks.
The building has a modern design, using a glass system on 4 sides to create an open space, taking advantage of natural light, being environmentally friendly, and saving energy.
The entire basement is used as a parking lot, ensuring security and safety for the building.
The entire office is designed around, helping customers take advantage of many areas and premises, and at the same time, it is easy to divide the office into many different areas.